Hope this finds you all well.
It is with deep sadness that I have to say goodbye to Funked Up Crafts.
It was a hard decision for my family and myself to go ahead and close the doors at the craft store. Our personal life has become quite a bit busier and I was not able to give the store the time and effort it deserved. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and I would like to express my gratitude for all of your support. I will also be saying good bye to the Face Book Group as well. I plan to keep my blog going and with hopes that I will be able to go back to posting on a more regular bases.
Please feel free to contact me via e-mail (there is a link on the side bar) if you have any questions.
I am saying goodnight for now but will be back tommorrow with a regular posting.
Thank-you all once again for all of your support....the last 3 years (how long Funked Up has been operational) has been wonderful and I feel absolutely blessed to be a part of so many crafter's lives and to have been invited to various communities in Northern Alberta. Thank-you again :)
Take Care, Jessie